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What We Do!

We Provide the Best Publication Service For Your Web3 Project

We Aim For Simplicity

We are experts at telling your story simply and effectively with years of experience.

Strong Connections

We cultivate relationships with journalists and key influencers and devote ourselves fully to your project.

Story Pitching

We know how to pitch stories to publications like Yahoo, TechCrunch, Forbes, and Mashable.


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Some answers for the most common Web3 PR questions

What is Web3?

Web3, in its essence, embodies an open-source and decentralized application built upon the revolutionary blockchain technology. It represents the dawning of a new era in the realm of internet development, far surpassing its predecessors. Web1, a humble HTML protocol, pales in comparison. The advent of Web2 introduced us to social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, but the true magnitude of the Web3 movement is yet to unfold. Ethereum, Decentraland, OpenSea, and their ilk offer a mere glimpse into the vast potential that lies ahead.

Is Web3 the same as crypto?

Contrary to popular belief, crypto diverges from the concept of Web3. Crypto, alongside NFTs (distinct tokens that defy interchangeability) and DAOs (organizations operating sans a central authority), constitutes merely a fraction within the vast expanse of Web3’s domain.

Is Web3 PR the same as blockchain PR?

The approaches and principles employed in PR for Web3 projects and crypto PR (public relations for crypto projects) are nearly indistinguishable.

As of June 2023, there is a lack of prominent Web3-focused media outlets, as the target audiences for Web3 already exist within crypto media platforms and their associated social media channels.

How long does it typically take to see results from Web3 PR efforts?

The timeline for achieving results can differ based on factors like campaign scope, target audience, and market conditions. Building brand awareness and establishing a strong presence takes time. Our digital marketing agency will collaborate closely with you, setting realistic expectations and providing regular updates on the progress of your PR endeavors.

How do I choose the best Web3 PR agency?

When choosing a Web3 PR agency, here are key factors to consider:

1. Portfolio: Look for a marketing firm with experience promoting similar projects. For NFT promotion, consider agencies that have successfully marketed 10-20 other NFTs.

2. Pricing: Compare agency prices to ensure you’re getting fair value for the desired outcomes. Avoid overpaying for similar results by exploring other agencies.

3. Popularity: If you excel at crypto PR, you can gauge an agency’s competence by their own PR efforts. Be cautious if an agency claims to be the “leading crypto marketing agency” but lacks any media presence or brand recognition. This can be a warning sign to consider.

Can Web3 PR services assist with content creation?

Absolutely! We have a talented team of 10+ copywriters who possess extensive experience in catering to numerous Web3 and crypto clients. Since the inception of our esteemed FINPR fintech agency in 2017, we have consistently provided top-notch copywriting services. It’s worth noting that our comprehensive offerings encompass media placement, ensuring that copywriting is seamlessly integrated into our all-inclusive pricing structure.

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